A downloadable asset pack

My name is Wimula Kanchela, and this is my submission for Search For A Star 2024. I am in my third and final year studying game design at the University of Huddersfield.

For this project, I was tasked with creating an animation sequence for a character based on one of four prompts. The prompt that I decided to go for was “Disciplined Fighter”. The character I ended up going with is called “Ancient King” and the weapon it comes with is a Halberd.

Music: Jobii - Shrub [lofi hiphop beats] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i2VsGWdGFKM

Character Model: Ancient King https://rigsarena.blogspot.com/2012/09/ancient-king-rigged-3ds-max.html#comment-form


Hold the left mouse button for the charge animation. 

Let go of the left mouse button for the release and recovery animation

Press F for the idle variation


SFAS2024 Ancient King Animation.MOV 38 MB
SFAS2024 - Ancient King Presentation.pdf 972 kB
AncientKingUE5.zip 563 MB


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Some nicely nuanced weighting and timing on the character. The constantly rotating viewpoint makes it quite hard to view. A static c amera might be preferable.

Thanks, and yeah it probably would have been better to get some static shots in engine. I was kinda in a rush when recording

Really cool character. I like how the armor strikes a  balanc ebetween aesthetic and functionality.

can this be used in commercial  projects?

I'm not too sure but, I'd assume not for commercial use